Thursday, July 20, 2006

to my avid readers, whom have sustained such great patience

normally i like to have images available to accompany my posts, however seeing as i am currently at work, i have none at my disposal to post. they'll come at a later date, not long from now. although i'm not so sure i have a great deal to put up...maybe the chronological construction progress of the swimming pool. speaking of which, we had it installed on tuesday, and it was filled as of this morning when i left for work. despite this good news, there is much work to be done...backfilling of earth, laying of retaining walls, forming and pouring of concrete patio, recruiting of hardbodies to come swim heh heh, continuing to be a creepshow, etc.
tis been a good day. woke up to a T-STORM which has been occuring on and off all day. also got to step out of the office for a couple of hours to get a short tour of a portion of the Morton Arboretum. and get paid for it. also, Hartford the Whale has its first game tonight at HF if you're gonna be in the area.

in light of not having any images of my own to post, i will put up a few from for your enjoyment. i tip my hat to lauren messina for the introduction to this website...

this last one here with the goat got me laughing to the point where i had to step outside so i didn't look crazy laughing out loud in a quiet office.


Anonymous said...

Well this is the 3rd time today I have attempted to leave a comment. The first time I wrote a book and it was erased, the 2nd time I was pissed and I swore a lot, but that also got erased. So if this one gets erased I am going to send you an email bitching about how much this sucks. So don't erase message!

p.s. all i really wanted to say in this comment was that i think that the picture with the floating hat is hilarious.

p.s.s. I think that this is obnoxious and people should just put there little post scripts in the main section.

Anonymous said...

this damn thing is acting like it doesn't know me. It keeps sayin, "You don't know me, you don't know me! Get a job, get a job!"

-sad face.

p.s. oh yeah, from adam

Anonymous said...

as if you couldn't tell who left this comment. of the three people who read this and leave comments, Dan, he would use at least one sound effect (i.e. pshh, pfff, yeeeeeeeeeeeah, or sup') Ben, he has a lack of periods (i.e. hey man what is going on Cosby and i was thinking man that we should hang out pudding maybe i will have a party this weekend theo)

p.s. i use p.s. (i.e. p.s.) and i.e. (i.e. i.e.)

Anonymous said...

pfffffffffff what the fuck ever. wonder who is leavin this one ya dirtfuck!


Brooklyn, New York
