Thursday, July 27, 2006

seriously you guys.

on tuesday, my boss randomly asks me if i've ever heard of the format. another person in the office burned a copy of interventions and lullabies for her and we listened to it here at work. then today, she tells me that she got a few other new CDs...transatlanticism and plans by deathcab, and give up by the postal service. Go work for having good music.

hartford the whale has it's second game tonight at HF. hopefully its not another thrashing.

the swimming pool is in and functioning. the patio around it is still under construction, but that is not stopping my cell phone and i from swimming.

like mother effin DJ, i also am down to my final 2 weeks of this internship. the final 2 weeks could potentially be quite good as well. tomorrow there is a quarterly staff meeting in a highrise on michigan avenue that overlooks the lake. i will also be working in the chicago office rather than the naperville office tomorrow, for the sake of an easier commute. and on that note, cara has kindly invited me to stay with her in her new apartment when she moves in next week. this will allow me to 1. take the train to work 2. live in chicago for about 2 weeks 3. get out of my house for a while and 4. have good times with a good friend while boozin and smoggin hoogah. all bonuses.
the lease on the new apartment in urban begins on aug 18, and i plan to move in that day if all goes well. i forsee this final year of college as being top notch. 9 months left of next to no real responsibility and actions on par with those of an alcoholic. not to mention only one christmas and spring break left. i've been going to school since i was 5 years old. i'll soon be 22, and it will all be finished. 17 freakin years of school, and it has come down to this final 9 months. sure, i plan on going back to get a master's, but that will be after a few years of working and reading like a machine. not to mention grad school is nothing like the undergrad years. i'm honestly very anxious to graduate and begin the next part of my life, but at the same time, it is now really starting to sink in that this is it for school. this is the first time in a long time that, despite being excited for the next step, i am quite content with the present. for as long as i can remember, i have been looking forward to whatever was next, or longing for past times. rarely did i ever live in the now. i think that made sense too. when you are in school, there is constantly something new coming up...going into a new grade, the next sports season, christmas break, etc. once school ends, those new events stop showing up so frequently. with a few exceptions, everything pretty much stabilizes. the real thesis to this post is that i am becoming more and more aware of the changes that are about to take place in my life, and it is making realize that i have to savor what is happening around me now before it is gone. think about it.


Dan said...

ohhhh i know what you mean on the savoring the present... aka why i want to be home and livin it up with you mofos. to add this to your counting thing, 17 years of school, we got to be friends what like 7th grade... thats over like 10 years of constantly seeing each other. fuckin nuts, 10 years of dirtfuck comments. and the format in chicago you should go, cuz im going. and im going tonight too. and i graduate disney U on the 8th. then home the 11th or somethin. but i havent talked to ya and your phone never seems to be on, so if you are reading this, call dan back. mmmk later love

Dan said...

yeah i read that and didnt pick up on that one. my bad. well if you are at home and bored use that housephone. and way to be working hard.


Brooklyn, New York
