Monday, November 13, 2006

i have burning floors...

...i mean a burnt kitchen.

i suppose you would like to hear the story. saturday night there was a party here. we hosted a birthday party for Liz, so it wasn't really our party, but it was at our house. anyway, the party action began to simmer around 12:30 am or so, and we cleared the group out and proceeded to go to murphy's. after murphy's closed, nathan and myself rode the bus home. as we approached the front door of our apartment, we heard a smoke dectector going off, which seemed rather suspicious. we ran in to find a smoke-filled apartment, and a damaged kitchen. luckily there was no actual fire when we arrived. it is mind-boggling that our entire building did not go up in flames. we had left several items on top of the stove including bottles, cans, and a plastic cutting board with a cake on top of it, all of which were melted. one of the burners for the stove was turned half way on, so we know that there had been gas coming out, and suspect that the pilot light may have ignited it. our entire apartment had a layer of soot on it, mostly in the kitchen, but some had even spread to our bedrooms. it was a completely honest mistake...we have no idea how the burner was turned on. it is also odd to note that the burner which was on also the fuck does a BURNER ON A FUCKING STOVE MELT? its entire purpose of existence is to accommodate and sustain FIRE. the stove is pretty much brand new, but clearly a piece of shit. and now a charred piece of shit.

needless to say, we did a lot of cleaning today. Liz and Amy kindly came over and assisted us, which was not necessary, but we are very grateful. it really does not seem like a huge deal anymore...mostly a burned stove, melted plastic wall tile, and soot-covered kitchen walls. i am , however, worried about the reaction of our landlord. i do not believe we can take the potential financial hit that this scenario presents.

aside from hell's kitchen, this weekend was wonderful. Ellen's birthday party in indianapolis on friday night was a completely lived up to its expectations. it was also wonderful to see some of those people, for it had been quite some time.

this week i am happily anticipating a visit from my mother on monday. other than that, not much to speak of other than this is the final week before a much-needed thanksgiving break.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is that a period after ASS?


Brooklyn, New York
