Wednesday, September 27, 2006

touch my leg and pull on my hand

school has been a bit of a pussy thus far.

while i am well aware that i have made it through my most difficult semesters, i didn't expect the work load to be this light nearly halfway through the semester.

my personal concerns and priorities have shifted a bit from studio work to my ryerson/fiel fellowship proposals, and soon enough, my portfolio and *swallows hard* job searching.

i want to win one of those fellowships more than anything.

as far as the job search goes...i am less enthused than i probably should be.

i MUST get a job, simply for the sake of paying off my loans.

however, professional practice in the realm of landscape architecture scares the fucking shit out of me.

firms that actually do good work are few and far between, and i greatly frown upon the idea of myself working for an office that designs crap.

that being said, i would also say that it is... refreshing be uncertain about where i will be in less than a year.

maybe ben and i will move out west and smoke our pipes every day.

and last weekend...pygmalion music fest...good and bad.

of montreal bad, the city on film good.

hitler bad, vandals good.

...let's get this party started.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i second the west coast pipe idea.


Brooklyn, New York
