Thursday, June 22, 2006

automatic sliding doors

it is beautiful outside. why then, might you ask, am i sitting on the computer in the basement instead of enjoying the glorious atmospheric conditions? well today i happened to run into several short songs written/recorded by Bob Nanna who happens to be quite good, and altough i have yet to listen to the songs, i am currently burning them onto a CD. and while i am here, i have a little something to say which would probably fit in quite nicely with the PHC... so tonight, i make a trip to target. as i arrive something happens that really makes me think about how grotesquely dependent our culture can be on technology. now, i hate to bash technology, for there are plenty of aspects of it which i have grown to appreciate. however, there are certain inventions and innovations, one of which i will talk about in my little story, that to me, do not seem necessary and only make us extra lazy. back to target...i'm walking in, at the same time a woman and her daughter are walking out. the two of them are heading for the manual, aka non-automatic doors and the mom almost runs into it thinking it was an automatic door. she proceeds to look dumbfounded at the fact that the door did not open by itself. now what happens next was the absolute worst to me. instead of opening the door with her hands, she looks at it like its broken or like she's never seen something so primitave in all her life and then walks back around the security device and goes out the automatic doors. ummm...use your fucking hands.

i hate people.
and love run-on sentences.

in other news, work has been good to me. the commute is still brutal and will continue to be forever, but the job is good, so that makes up for it. i'm not a fan of any of the firm's actual projects, but i'm only a summer intern that won't be working for them ever again after this summer, so whatever.

festival this weekend, aka beer garden, aka staying at adams, aka walking distance.


Anonymous said...

such a fine PHC story. People are so LAZY. It's like those Segway things that sit upright with 2 wheels and you just stand on them looking like a fool. Laziest things ever.

Kyle said...

oh man those things are bad.

and who is anonymously commenting?

Dan said...

those segways are badass... people ride them all over the place at work here. and aka enjoy the walking distance drinking this weekend.

Kyle said...

they would have those at disney.

Anonymous said...

sorry it's cara

Anonymous said...

sorry it's cara

Anonymous said...

why do they make white crayons?


Brooklyn, New York
